Thursday, March 24, 2011

Shakey Grounds

I’m not an Oracle, nor am I a Seismic Geologist…thus I avoid Doomsday predictions. However, the earthquake(s) in Japan, and subsequent tsunamai(s), aftershocks, fires, destruction and Nuclear Crisis have forced me to confront several possibilities.
Before I really get going, allow me to state the following: the whole 2012 “End of the World Craze” completely missed me…those fearing the end of the Mesoamerican Long Calendar (used in Central America prior to European arrival, closely associated with Mayan Civilization) seem to be “lost in translation”…those predicting a meteor shower or collision with another planet (“Planet X”/”Nibiru”) seem to be ignoring astrologists and prevailing science...but those sensing a shift may be on to something.
  Encouraging fear or panic is not my intention, I merely had a thought crystallize in my conscious the other day: What if a large enough earthquake was to set off a chain of a events that impacted every continent and the whole world at large?
Watching the continued repercussions of Japan’s devastating earthquake (9.0-March.11th/2011) has brought to light several astounding facts.
·         We don’t have the infrastructure to deal with Natural Disasters of this magnitude, especially here in the Western World.
·         Our Economies would be crippled by large scale Natural Disasters
·         Earthquakes can lead to other disasters, such as tsunamis, volcanic-eruptions, aftershocks/more earthquakes, floods, disease, etc.
What happens when a Country (and/or a Nation) has to deal with multiples blows such as Japan; Earthquakes, aftershocks, Volcanic-eruption, power outage, food shortage, Nuclear Crisis, Economic Woes? What happens if the World at large has to deal with such disasters on all Continents within a short period of time? Who saves who when everyone needs help?
How about this; I’ll put forth a can decide if it’s plausible, and if it is, you think about whether “we” as a population (cities, countries, nations, planet) are prepared to endure such a possibility.
An Earthquake similar in size to Japan's recent Quake (but necessarily bigger) hits along an unexpected Fault Line somewhere in the World. This quake sets off further quakes and aftershocks through connected Fault Lines and causes tsunamis, floods and Volcanic Eruptions (in susceptible areas). Place this event on any continent and you’ll have a major disaster that brings Power Outages, Food Shortages, Potential Nuclear Crisis, Economic Woes and possible collapse...Now say this sets off a chain of Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Eruptions, Floods, Death, Food Shortage, Contamination, Power Outage, Possible Nuclear Crisis (radiation leaks, meltdowns, fallout, etc), Economic Woes (inflation, investment losses, Stock Market crash, etc) throughout out the World in a cyclical ripple effect that impacts every Continent and Global Superpower. Imagine China, Russia, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, U.S, Canada, Mexico, Africa, The Middle East, Australia, and most Islands in-between all facing disaster within a small window of time. Our nations and economies are intertwined; food, clothes, consumer goods, aid and technology, we’re building a Global Community. This connection is beneficial, but it also facilitates larger disasters when ignored...Pollution and Waste; nuclear fallout and radiation from one continent can effect another...disease and outbreaks; we saw how quickly epidemics can spread now, remember “Swine Flu”, “Bird Flu”, “SARS”, spinach with salmonella? Internet bugs and viruses; the internet knows very few barriers, and can easily backfire or leave us in the dark. Some type of contamination, or outbreak could easily reach around the globe adding just another issue/repercussion from such a scenario. So many factors and possibilities to consider; what if forest fires in California were caused by earthquakes causing explosions while tsunamis and floods ravaged the coastline? California is already strapped for cash, imagine the impact of such an spread that up the West Coast to Seattle and Vancouver, the devastation would be unprecedented.
I’m sure you get the idea.
As I said, this is not a Doomsday Prophecy, just the formation and transferral of thought(s). Such an event would definitely mark a major shift in the World...the end of one Age and the beginning of another. I’m sure our fate relies upon our ability to plan for the “unexpected”, speculate and rise to the challenge. I prefer the challenge of preparing for the worse and hoping for the best, rather than the challenge of dealing with events that can be minimized or avoided.  Natural Disasters remind us abruptly what we control, and what we don’t...
We've been pretty lucky so far, so knock on wood, or knock on air if wood’s not there.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Black History Month Follow-up

Last night was February 28th, and this year, that meant the last day of Black History Month. To send it out with a "bang", we, Day and Whyte, released our webisode "Tha Day n Whyte Show: Black History X Special". This installment was/is a Wrap-up Special for BHM and includes our thoughts and commentary on certain perceptions, some history, and cultural questions (such as use of the "n-word"). In a few short hours we've received a wide spectrum of feedback, you can probably imagine why already...
Some people have laughed in good humor, some have enjoyed and looked for further discussion, and some have felt offended (not many, but a few). We thought this would be the case, and we welcome the feedback, reactions and discussions.
If you haven't watched the episode in question, please do, it's posted below.
Episode 3 comin soon...

Tha Day n Whyte Show (BHXS)

skytrain thoughts

On the way down:
Train was fairly busy, not packed, but pretty full. I grabbed a seat near the door and settled in for the ride. Within minutes this chick, seated across the aisle from me, pulls out a huge Tupperware Container full of canned tuna and rice...she had a choice to make. First of all, the weather was windy and rainy, so the windows were closed. Secondly, there weren't any other seats available.
Let me tell you, this chick dug in like a savage. I don't know if she was oblivious to the situation, or if she was so hungry that she cared not for her surroundings.
It was a trip watching the other commuters shoot her a look and scan for options. They were thinking what I was thinking; "What is this chick thinking? Is there another seat open somewhere further from the epicenter? Can I open the window...ventilation?"
I didn't time her tuna-fest, but I'm guessing she ate for roughly 5 minutes. It was tough, definitely a point for "drive downtown and skip that mess". I realize everyone has different tolerances for different odors, however, there's also commonsense and consideration.

On the way back:
A thought crystallized for me...I had the general understanding in place but today was the day I understood my understanding.
The deeper you are as a presence, the deeper you can go with others, yet remain proportionately unrevealed.